- Received training under Prof Thirunavukkarsu, HOD of Dept. of G.I
surgery as part of training for M Ch (GI Surgery) in Narayana medical
college from August 2011 to August 2014. Including observership in
S.G.P.G.I under Prof. Rajan Saxena, HOD of Dept. of G.I surgery and liver
transplantation, S.G.P.G.I, Lucknow and Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai
under Dr. Sailesh Shrikande
- Worked as Senior Resident in Medanta Institute of Liver Transplantation
and regenerative medicine, Gurgaon, New Delhi, from January 2011 to
June 2011.
- Worked in the department of GI surgery before joining MCh in Narayana
Medical College from Feb 2009 to Dec 2010 under Dr. S.P. Girish, MS, MCh,
Dr P.BalaChandran MS, MCh.
- Worked as registrar in Department of SGE in Global Hospital, Hyderabad
before M Ch from May 2008 to Feb 2009.
- Worked as a consultant in Surgical Gastroenterology in Simhapuri
Hospitals in Nellore since August 2014.
- Performed various emergency GI surgical procedures for
upper and lower gastrointestinal bleeding, severe ulcerative colitis, acute
pancreatitis, peritonitis, and abdominal trauma.
- Performed various GI surgical procedures like transhiatal esophagectomy, radical gastrectomy, Whipple’s pancreatico duodenectomy, radical cholecystectomy, hepatico jejunostomy, Frey’s procedure, Restorative proctocolectomy, Low anterior resection and abdomino perineal resections, major hepatectomies, and multivisceral resections.
- Trained in performing advanced laparoscopic procedures