AOSPR 2018, (14-09-2018 TO 16/09/20118)) PGIMER,chandigarh
- Poster presentation- Variants and anamolies of coronary artery in TGA
ISVIR ,GOA, 2019(07/03/2019 to 10/03/2019)
- Poster presentation- Isolated arterial pulmonary malinosculation a rare cause for hemoptysis- role of endovascular treatment - a case report with review of literature
- Poster presentation- Thoracic aortic aneurysm in psoriatic patient- a rare case presentation -endovascular management
ECR , VIENNA, AUSTRIA , 2020, (15-07-2020 – 19-07-2020) online conference
- Poster presentation -single ventricle heart in congenital heart diseases- what a radiologist should know (won cum laude award)
- Poster presentation-dialysis access arteriovenous fistulas - complications and management through interventional radiology techniques
- Paper presentation- the role of intravoxel incoherent motion(IVIM) MRI imaging in response evaluation of hepatocellular carcinoma after Transarterial chemoembolization(TACE)
Venous Symposium 2020, New York
IACI annual conference, 2020 - (won 2nd prize in quiz)
“Role of Elastography in evaluating breast lesions” in 1st annual conference of Andhra Pradesh state IRIA chapter, 2015, Vishakhapatnam