
STAR Hospitals is one of the very few liver hospitals in Hyderabad that has an independent Hepatology department, treats acute liver conditions, spreads awareness on liver checks, and has a state-of-the-art dedicated liver ICU for its critically ill liver failure patients. In the past year alone, our expert hepatology team has saved 8 acute liver failure patients with plasma exchange, without the need for a risky liver transplant

Liver Checks

In our day and age with sedentary lifestyles, where alcohol consumption is at its peak, getting a liver check regularly is crucial. Fatty to Failed Liver- Early detection is key. Our Clinical Nutrition team emphasizes a specialized diet needed to prevent and treat liver diseases

Advanced Diagnostics

One of the very few hospitals that can perform a FibroScan to measure liver stiffness. This allows for a non-invasive, painless method to assess liver fibrosis that results from all chronic pathologies that cause damage to the liver, including metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, chronic viral hepatitis, and excess alcohol intake.

24/7 Endoscopists and Intensivists

We have a round-the-clock gastrointestinal bleeding service, with a fully equipped ambulance, on-site resuscitation, triage at admission, and on-call endoscopists. These include variceal banding and injection, glue injection, thermal coagulation, argon plasma coagulation (APC), hemostatic metallic stent implantation, and Dennis Ela stent placement.

This LICU has special infrastructure to deal with all liver patients who require intensive care with specialized rapid response teams. The LICU teams include specialists from Hepatology & HPB, LT surgeons, and the Critical Care team around the clock. We provide care guided by a protocol-based treatment and rapid response by a multidisciplinary team ably supported by the nephrology, cardiology, and pulmonology teams.

Expert Liver Transplant Team

Liver conditions either acute or chronic when failed to improve with medical management, can be cured through liver transplant. The liver can be donated by a living or deceased person. Our Hepatology team works closely with the Liver Transplant Team, Liver intensivists, and transplant coordinators to conduct pre-transplant evaluation, optimization, and post-transplant follow-up holistically.

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Treatments and Procedures

  • Diagnostic Upper GI Endoscopy
  • Colonoscopy
  • Therapeutic Endoscopic Procedures (EVL/Glue Injection/APC)
  • Liver Biopsy (Ultrasound/Fluoroscopic Guided)
  • Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
  • Liver Fibroscan (STAR Nanakramguda)
  • Hepatic Venous Pressure Gradient (HVPG)
  • Trans Jugular Liver Biopsy (TJLB)
  • Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPS)
  • Trans Arterial Chemo Embolisation (TACE)

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